I have a bone to pick today – well several, actually. But let me start without complaint. This bag is new from Vive Nine ryvolter and yes, there is now a well-done version of the coveted Hermes Birkin bag in Second Life. I really love being able to have iconic items like this in SL and I especially appreciate creators crediting the RL item. Thumbs up!
ryvolter makes the absolute best handbag recreations in my entire inventory. I own dozens and dozens (and dozens) of them – and I haven’t seen another creator that even comes close to the quality. Fact.
Bone Picking
However, I really don’t love that the “Classica Bag” fatpack (an excellent deal if you like the bag and will get lots of use out of it) comes with every single color/style as a separate pack inside the main pack (a total of 15 additional packages to open, sort and house in your inventory). Then, when you unpack every color/style, each folder contains this (black bag contents):

While I am obviously thrilled with so many options – open/closed, numerous poses, decor options, etc – the only thing that is HUD driven in the entire fatpack is the scarf HUD. I mean. Holy hell. I am not good at math (which is why I work in marketing IRL) but this is a serious inventory space investment. Worth it? YES UNDOUBTEDLY, but the organized part of me HATES to add this much bulk to my inventory when I am already fighting a losing battle.
I have other small bones to pick about Insol’s BoM body appliers, Lamb’s hair color packs and a sundry other things, but this blog is longer than it deserves to be. The other bones will have to wait for now.