Yes, I have bluebells on my head. Wrong season, I know – but so pretty, and something I can look forward to in late Spring, if I make it that far. So many things sit forever in my, “to blog/wear” folders and then one day, I put on a skirt with pretty periwinkles and BOOM, bluebells on my head. By the way, my now bluebell-covered head is beautifully painted with a new BoM skin by Lara Hurley.
This sweater and skirt are weeks old now (Kustom9, I think) but are a case in point of what I was referring to here in “how to fatpack.” But in reverse. I would have fatpacked the skirt – which is lovely – but…the price for the pack was silly. I’m very happy with the single I picked up and if you like a longer skirt from time-to-time, I recommend.