Miss who? Korina, of course. When I find skins like this one from The Skinnery on my new-ish Inez head from LeLutka, I hardly miss my long lost (and deeply cherished) Korina head all that much…
I know I have said this before but I do think I may finally kicked the habit. Only because I deleted (WUT?OMG!) all my pre-EvoX skins so even if I did wear Korina again, I wouldn’t have any of my old favorites to wear on her. I made room in my inventory for more stuff to cling to later.
Now watch, LeLutka will change it all up again! $#&@%!!
Head: lel EvoX INEZ 3.1
BoM Skin: [the Skinnery] Cherry (LeLutkaEVOX) champagne **@Uber**
Hat/Hair: (NO) Bonnie Style **@Anthem**
Earrings: (Yummy) Double Diamond Studs
Scarf: COCO_FurScarf_LightBrown
Blazer/Top: COCO_BlazerWithLaceTop(Greige
Trousers: Belle Epoque { Olivia Pants } Bisque
Boots: BUENO-Casey Boots-Maitreya-Fatpack