Enter ESPY, the newest innovation from SL hair favorite, Little Bones. ESPY Dye Shop is a completely new way to customize your hair with a whole host of color combinations. Simply choose the section of hair you want to color (roots, ends or all) and you now have countless ways to be unique. Right now there are only three ESPY styles available but I would expect a lot more. You can find the ESPY shop within Little Bones’ main store.
Nova was the first creator to introduce a standard multi-style HUD with every hair, which we now see spreading across the grid from so many different brands. Will the same happen with color customization systems? I would expect so.
I loved the unnatural HUD because it shows the beautiful blending on the hair so beautifully and had a great time creating different looks, ranging from subtle to loud. One note – ESPY styles do not currently contain multi-style options for the actual hair yet. How awesome would it be if we could have both the style and the color customization options in one pack? Yes please!
I am wearing skin, eyes and cosmetics all from the new LeLutka Powder Pack. Everything is listed in the credits!
- Skin: AG Jane *Powder Pack November*
- Eyes: ARTE *Powder Pack November*
- Eye Makeups: ARTE *Powder Pack November*
- Lipgloss: Studio Exposure *Powder Pack November*
- Lashes: ARTE *Powder Pack November*
- Hair: ESPY h.01 Unnatural Dye Kit *new*
- Earrings: LaGyo_Xanthe Earrings
- Outfit: –Pixicat– Soiree.set – White (Maitreya) *The Epiphany*