Mean Business

If you’ve been around SL for a longggg while, you might remember Shai of Casa del Shai releasing a suit set themed, “Mean Business.” It was incredibly well made and keep in mind, these were the days long before mesh. Imagine the constraints on an artist only being able to work with the system avatar?!!? Textures really had to be especially outstanding back in those days, if nothing else.

Today’s Mean Business

DeuxLooks - mean business

This suit is new from GizzA and is available at The Liaison Collaborative. It’s a single outfit, so you can’t mix and match any part of it, but you can use the provided HUD to customize parts of it. Despite my general rule that I don’t favor “outfits” in Second Life, I do like this quite a lot. It comes in blue or black. I’d love to see one in a neutral beige too.

DeuxLooks - mean business

The Crossroads

I am wearing new hair from Entwined, available at The Crossroads. If you have not yet checked Crossroads out yet, I am a HUGE fan. It reminds me of what it was like in the early days of SL to wander around and make shopping discoveries. You can find 90+ designers there, organized into themed areas, plus a premium zone. Just like Shiny Shabby, the build is beautiful and easy to traverse. Two big thumbs up!


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