I’ve been trying to get my arms around a severe case of inventory swell, exacerbated by too much shopping and little blogging. In my frenzy to organize and prioritize, I frequently find pieces I bought and then immediately buried in the next deluge. For example, this sweet skirt and blouse from Belle Epoque, which is practically perfect, if only the creator would include matching alphas with their items.

I switched up my head today to better complement this beautiful dark skin. Skin Fair is (almost?) over and I didn’t blog even half of my haul. Instead, I found this skin at one of the weekend sales, which I am delighted with. BTW, there are even MORE weekend sales now, can you believe it? The prices keep creeping up tho, so we shall see how long this model continues. April will be a no sale month for me. What a weird declaration. But it’s just too much “stuff.”
practically perfect
- Head: LeLutka Ceylon
- BoM Skin: Metahumano Sheyla
- Eyes: AG
- Hair: WINGS-ER1008
- Earrings: YORKE- Yanie Earrings
- Blouse/Skirt: Belle Epoque – Symone
- Bag/Hold Items: MVT Back in the Day Bag
- Nails: (NO) Art Nails – Almond – French Tip