I’m styling to this song with an odd title by Death Cab for Cutie. I had never heard it before and stumbled on it as it was being randomly piped into the background while I walked the 20 minutes (srsly) from my room to a conference inside one of those huge Vegas hotels last month. I loved it at first note. Never leave home without an updated Shazam app.

Making some progress working through my unwieldy “to blog” folder with this look, although it’s somewhat negated in that I went back to Thalia Heckroth to fatpack this PBR-enabled skirt so I could get the navy option, which is not available as a single. The sweater is also PBR-enabled and delightful. Speaking of which, have you noticed the updated PBR builds at several events? For example, the floor at the newest round of Level is absolutely stunning.
Before you ask, yes my necklace is ancient. Still love it.
you are a tourist
- Head: HEAD / lel evox / INEZ 4.0
- BoM Skin: Misa – Maddie Skin – Icy – Br.3 **@Cosmopolitan**
- Eyes: AG
- Cheekbones: Velour
- Earrings: David Heather-Bianca Earrings Gold
Necklace: BB.Viva Necklace . Pearl- Sweater: Thalia Heckroth – PBR Crew neck sweater CAMEL **new**
- Skirt: Thalia Heckroth – PBR Flared midi skirt FATPACK **new**
- Boots: COCO_KneeBoots(DarkBrown)
- Nails: (NO) Art Nails – Almond – Summer 2 Fall
- Ring: [POM] Priya Ring
- Bag: *S.E STUDIO PRADO BAG PACK 03 **new**