Wet January

DeuxLooks - wet january

I recently mentioned I was doing a “Dry January” with no alcohol at all. However the weather in Boston has been the polar opposite, snowing or raining nearly every single day of the month so far. Pretty depressing tbh. It’s a good thing there’s only 8000 days in January -_-

DeuxLooks - wet january

Clearly I did a total 180 from my last post and put my avatar in a BoM skin that makes her look quite severe and perturbed, and an outfit better suited to the Moors of rainy Scotland. Maybe because I’m off for a week down the beach to visit my parents and it’s predicted to rain 6 out of the 7 days I’ll be away. Because of course it is.

I’ll be back in a week-ish. Hopefully drier all around.


ps – I have had to disable comments because I keep getting spammed by Russian bots

Wet January

  • Head: lel EvoX CEYLON 3.1
  • BoM Skin: MILA. Drusilla EvoX [04]
  • Hair: [monso] Reze Hair **@Kustom9**
  • Choker: (Yummy) Oversized Heart Choker **@Kustom9**
  • Raincoat: BUENO-Alt Jacket-legacy2-Orange
  • Shirt: MOWIE – “Kena” Top
  • Skirt: DAMI.Vanilla OUTFIT #skirt9 **@Kustom9**
  • Tights: HILO – Heather – Tights v1 dark
  • Boots: TETRA – Lara high boots **updated with new sizes**