Wayyyy back when I started playing SL, Truth Hair came onto the scene and quickly grew into one of the Grid’s most loved hair brands. All these years later, Truth has really stood the test of time, which is saying something in a virtual world. Like the rest of the grid, I joined Truth VIP (a couple years ago?) for a nominal fee and have enjoyed many complimentary VIP styles released as part of membership.
Lately though, I’ve noticed more Truth hairs being released for the weekend sales than regular releases. I’m not sure if these are existing hairs on sale or new releases positioned for volume sales, but there does seem to be a steady stream. There are also Truth Collective releases from other creators – like Wasabi and FAGA – brands that license Truth textures and HUDs for their own inventory.
TBH, I wasn’t so sure about this strategy when it was first introduced earlier this year, but have come to appreciate how ingenious it is. Instead of letting a brand fade from consciousness when RL inevitably takes over, the revenue model changes. The risk is whether changing up the strategy potentially detracts from the existing brand. I think only Truth could tell us how he thinks this has gone for his overall business.
All that said, I do prefer original Truth hairstyles, so would like to see more of those. In fact, I really miss the “Multi Tone” texture pack from years ago too. The blondes just aren’t as complex now IMO.


Two Truths
- Head: LeLutka
- BoM Skin: itGirls Ellie
- Cheekbones: Velour
- Hairs: Truth Collective x Wasabi; x FAGA
- Jewelry: ARNAUD HAUS. Industrial Heart set
- Top: LEROY – Lya Long Shirt
- Bikini: Stories&Co. Twyla Bikini Top – Gelato **@Kustom9**
- Heels: Bauhaus – Maya Shoes
- Luggage: Movement