I mentioned picking up a new, more realistically detailed BoM skin from DeeTaleZ. Well, this is it. No, that’s not poor lighting on my avatar creating those slight laugh lines, shadows and creases. That’s my avatar, slightly more accurate to her RL typist. And I know, it’s a very subtle difference but it’s much more noticeable on the deeper skin tones also available. I am really enjoying it.
The dress and harness I have on are from Clef de peau, available at Kustom9. I appreciate the sophisticated slim design and modern accessory, but I also would have appreciated something to wear underneath it 😉 My beautiful hair and scarf are from our dearest Elikatira. So cozy but still sophisticated.
I will be away this coming week down the beach. Back soon!

Head: lel EvoX INEZ 3.1
BoM Skin: DeeTaleZ Skin Alexa **new**
Hair/Scarf: ELIKATIRA Uriah **new**
Dress/Harness: Clef de Peau.Irina Dress Ivory **@Kustom9**
Bag: ryvolter
Boots: EQUAL – Elettra Boots