I’m gearing up for a couple weeks of vacation. One week away; one week at home; and hopefully two full weeks of R&R or at least, not full of work. I’m not sure if I will get to blog again before I leave – so I wanted to share that I have officially made “the switch.”
About a month ago, I made the switch to the Legacy Perky mesh body. It wasn’t elegant. I was confused by feet sizes and why the “Perky” body wasn’t just an optional add-on like with Maitreya Petite. I had to make an alpha mask for my avatar’s eyes for some reason. And worst of all, I worried (worry) that because I have SO much treasured old inventory that I won’t get full use of my beloved, carefully curated, digital closet. But still, here I am, and I am generally happy.
The best part about the Perky body for me – aside from the overall shape and detail, which I have grown to now strongly prefer – is the support system. Legacy’s live “support group” chat has solved every issue I have had so far – either due to my own stupidity or lack of specificity in the product’s documentation (on the website or in the package). And every single person in the chat has been kind and patient. Such a good experience.
But I still have questions. Like:
- Why are body “deformers” only available with the main Legacy body?
- Why are the “deformer” feet so much nicer looking than the feet that come with the Perky body?
- What are deformers, anyway???
- Why aren’t my feet and hands just alpha-able like Maitreya? I have to detach them like in the olden days with Slink hands and feet.
- Why isn’t there a button to “show all” with the alpha HUD?
- Why does the Style page of the HUD take so long to load?
- How often does this body get updates?
The truth is, I don’t want to have to switch bodies as a regular thing. I have limited time in SL and just want things to work – out of the box. I hope I can stick with this one for a while. After all, I wore Maitreya – and then the Petite add-on for many happy years.

The Switch
- Body (!!): Legacy (f) Perky (1.4)
- Head: LeLutka EvoX
- BoM Skin: E.BEAUTY – ANNA SKIN (honey)
- Eyeliner: Jack Spoon. Biba Kit (waterline 1)
- Eyes: Tville **@Uber**
- Hair: Stealthic – Riot (S Head/S Breast)
- Earrings: (Yummy) Hoop Set – Pearl Studs
- Necklace: MINIMAL – Victoria Necklace
- Bracelet: Bauhaus – Bangle R / GOLD
- Top: neve top – lettuce LegacyPerky **@Uber**
- Skirt: COCO MidiSkirt (Terracotta)_Legacy **@Uber**
- Heels: [Gos] Hailee Tassel Sandals – Boutique [legacy] **@Uber**
- Bag: MVT – Stylish handbag – Off white