The Sunday Edit

DeuxLooks - the sunday edit

Most of the time, I’m not a floral kind of girl. Maybe it’s that we had a surprisingly 65 degree day last week and I was able to drive with the top down on my car. Or maybe it’s because Spring isn’t too far away. Whatever the reason, I was drawn to this simple springy dress available at another new event, Belle.

DeuxLooks - the sunday edit

I shopped the press preview so most of the vendors were not set up yet. I definitely appreciate getting a lag free look at an event, but I wish more of the stalls were ready to go. I’ll have to put Belle back on my list to pass through again now that it’s open.

Other places on my list to check out this week when I have time – a late-ish pass through Collabor88 and one through just opened Equal10, which sometimes turns out some interesting skin choices. And sometimes turns out absolutely nothing of use for me.

Be back soon xoxo!