The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel is a special fundraising event to bring relief and aid to a man fighting cancer and his family. I do not know Daniel, but I have enjoyed his creations from Zerkalo since my return back to SL. More than 120 designers have come together to support his care – offering 50%-100% of all purchase proceeds going to Daniel. I urge you to visit and shop to help save a first life in Second Life.

DeuxLooks - The Book of Daniel

“Dinah” from Elikatira and “Imani” Catwa applier from Essences, are just two of the beautiful offerings you can find there. I absolutely love both – and they make a beautiful pairing. I am also showing “Dani” from Entwined, in the new bold color pack, which is so amazing against a darker toned Imani.

DeuxLooks - The Book of Daniel

My dress is from Ricelli and is available at The Chapter Four. The colors completely wowed me, so I had no choice but to pick up the fatpack even though I would have preferred a longer hem. Unfortunately the fatpack is not HUD-enabled so it will add quite a hefty volume to your inventory, as it includes full fatpack colors for three mesh bodies (such a great deal!).

DeuxLooks - The Book of Daniel

On this September 11, I wish you all a peaceful day.


  • Head: Catwa Destiny
  • Eyes: Buzzeri Celestial
  • Hairbase: Just Magnetized Basic Catwa Set 03