As the leaves change IRL, DeuxLooks styles a leaflike fall look with new and collection inventory in Second Life. Read more →

As the leaves change IRL, DeuxLooks styles a leaflike fall look with new and collection inventory in Second Life. Read more →
Some of my favorite shade combinations of crimson and lemon set the tone – unexpectedly maybe – for a fresh, cold day. I love the coat and scarf combination from Belle Epoque. You can’t see the boots, but they’re sweet too. I happen to be watching The Crown right (Season II, natch) and you might see something like this in… Read more →
I am still going through my new Powder Pack (and Hair Fair haul btw) and today’s makeup look is courtesy of alaskametro and Zibska, with skin from Egozy. The eye makeups are particularly good; full of gloss and glimmer. You may remember how much of a fan I am of alaskametro skins and cosmetics. Beautiful. I’m also wearing the most… Read more →
I am just back from a long week of travel and am about to get on the road once again – but this time, to Nantucket and just for an overnight. On a beautiful spring day I have my Nantucket Reds on IRL but I didn’t have quite the right color in SL. So, I put on the closest I… Read more →
Today called for something a bit undone. Natural, comfortable and casual; like when everything isn’t firing on all cylinders but is quite happy to be like that. I know I have been MIA this past week or so, but I go through spurts of being inspired and then completely bored by SL fashion. It only takes one small thing to… Read more →
I say I am waiting until more heads arrive and I’m basically taking a break from my mesh head craze. I wear beautiful new skins for my standard AV head and blog effusively about them. I put back on my head(s) to review some new appliers. My addiction isn’t cured. I am not reconditioned. Though I clearly failed at my… Read more →
I’m ready for even more heads, LeLutka and others! We have reached critical mass with skin/makeup appliers and now the drumbeat is growing louder for more heads, pl0x. These new appliers are from Swallow, available only at the new Alice event (I hate the name, but you guys know which one). I imagine you can’t just whip them up, but… Read more →
I mentioned I have been trying on other mesh heads recently, because I have pretty much become addicted to the sharp features in snapshots. And, with so many artists making appliers for the LeLutka heads, there’s a ton you can do to customize and still be you…so here’s another head I have added to my growing collection. This one by… Read more →