DeuxLooks confirms that the best coat in Second Life is still this one from 2017 from Sleepy Eddy. Read more →

DeuxLooks confirms that the best coat in Second Life is still this one from 2017 from Sleepy Eddy. Read more →
DeuxLooks shares some fashion redemption from Second Life with a pair of cropped trousers. Read more →
I love this classic preppy duffle coat from Sleepy Eddy. It’s probably the best coat I have seen in SL…ever, actually. The details are impeccable. Two years later and this hair from Chemistry is still one of my oft worn. I added some bangs from Truth to change it up slightly, but it’s just a classic bun that also has… Read more →
I have been so caught up elsewhere, I haven’t been blogging. I could give you the normal list of IRL or I could tell you that other things have my attention. Both would be true. It is the holidays after all and my main MMO has an expansion out. So instead, here are some things I Fancy. I realize today… Read more →