DeuxLooks explains how the best laid plans often go awry – IRL and in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks explains how the best laid plans often go awry – IRL and in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks continues to share her Hair Fair 2019 haul in Second Life, including a whole collection of hair accessories. Read more →
Look, you guys! I changed my head! Yes, I caved to a growing drumbeat of IMs and notes. I’m back in a Genus head here, and it is a nice change whilst wearing a skin I really like. Note, I still find the eye movement on this head sub-par and its HUDs to be bulky and less intuitive than LeLutka’s.… Read more →
Have you been to Uber yet? If you have, then you know my pick of the fashion is this prim jumpsuit from {sallie}. It’s pretty perfect. Well almost perfect. Made for the Maitreya mesh body only (and I believe the fit is experimental), there are small fit issues around the arm bands for me that cannot be solved with alpha… Read more →
I am just back from a trip to Dallas where everything is in full bloom, fresh and lush. There’s no place like home, though. So happy to be back – and finding upon my return, even more appliers for the LeLutka mesh heads (with more heads being released soon!). These are from New Faces, and seem to be only available… Read more →