DeuxLooks rediscovers hair from older brand Moon in Second Life. Read more →

DeuxLooks rediscovers hair from older brand Moon in Second Life. Read more →
DeuxLooks comes home for one night only and manages to complain about a few things before going ‘poof’ again. Read more →
You don’t have to go far to see all the Skin Fair 2018 previews around Flickr and your blog roll. This is the start of mine and it’s led by alaskametro’s “Cora” for LeLutka heads. One of only a few LeLutka appliers that really wow’d me at Skin Fair so far. Not all designers were set up yet, so there’s… Read more →
Yes, yes, it’s another “wow, I love this skin” post. But I do, so it is. This is Nova from OVH & Co, which comes in three dark tones. Mine is NC35, the middle shade. The applier is priced under $1000L and includes body appliers for three bodies. If you are a fan of the beautiful dark skins from Milan,… Read more →
Happy New Year to all! My wish is that we all fall deeply in love with our lives in 2018 (our real lives, especially) 🙂 xoxo Read more →
This is Vista Animations Bento head, Lia. Recently released, it was priced at a discount over the long holiday weekend. The price may have gone up by now but either way, I’d encourage you to have a look. Let me tell you about the things I really like: It has one main HUD that governs most of the head’s main… Read more →
I love this power pairing of skirt suit and sleek boots. I rarely wear “outfits” that can be separates because it’s more fun for me to break everything up BUT this jacket was too perfectly “cut” for its pencil skirt pairing. Plus the blue is so beautiful. There’s something really satisfying about a look that is both powerful and powerfully… Read more →
Can you feel that first hint of autumn when it creeps into the evening or overnight? I can. Even in July. This morning IRL I started mentally shopping for transition styles, which of course led me to doing the same in SL. This is where I ended up on this cool and fall-like day in Boston: a nod to fall… Read more →
This week I got a note from someone that said, “I miss when you looked more original. Currently you just look like another LeLutka bot.” I can assure you, I am not a bot. But if I were, I wouldn’t mind looking like this? Still uniquely my own I have talked about the reasons I am trending more towards wearing… Read more →