Rabbit Rabbit

“Rabbit, Rabbit” for good luck on any new month. Double good luck for the New Year! One of the things I am going to try in this New Year is to spend less time futzing with my blog posts. That is, taking a million snapshots and then writing a ton for every post. I don’t know if it will stick… Read more →

The List of What Was…

What a difference a year makes! Another year nearly came and went without the list of what was, but luckily I made it just in the nick of time. Here’s my short, opinionated take on things I loved and things I could do without in the New Year Some of my most favorite things from 2016 in SL Milan appliers… Read more →

You pays your money…

“You pays your money…and you takes your chances.” That old idiom is Second Life’s Luxe Box in a nutshell. The unboxing is especially fun IMO, but you do have to be OK with the roll of the dice so to speak. And then, not complain about what you get because that is the game. You Pays Your Money and You… Read more →

I Fancy

I have been so caught up elsewhere, I haven’t been blogging. I could give you the normal list of IRL or I could tell you that other things have my attention. Both would be true. It is the holidays after all and my main MMO has an expansion out. So instead, here are some things I Fancy. I realize today… Read more →

My Favorite Kind of Frost

My favorite kind of frost nips at my nose and makes my cheeks rosy, but stays far away from my toes thank you very much. I loved all these new appliers for their fair, rosy glows – almost tinged with frost. What’s new in appliers? So much new in the overflowing world of Second Life appliers. You would think that… Read more →

Hello, Holidays

This week kicks off another year of making merry, beginning here in the US with Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am already working on my holiday wardrobe IRL and noting how much easier it is in SL! I am wearing a new applier by Milan for fiore, shown on three different head shapes. I will just say that Milan has quickly become… Read more →

Out of the Luxe Box and Into My SL closet

Out of the Luxe Box and into my Second Life closet, helping me create looks that are both traditional and edgy; classic and sexy. This month I am trying out Luxe Box for the first time. I have to say that as suspected, I enjoyed the unboxing maybe even more than I will enjoy all the items included. That is… Read more →

Beautiful Escape

Thank you Second Life, for you are my beautiful escape and one that I need so much right now. I am done with US Politics for the foreseeable future. So thank you, Second Life and all our amazing creators, for helping me lay low happily in this, the most beautiful of my two closets. #ForeverBlue xoxo Read more →

Appliers ‘R’ Us

If you’re anything like me, you have hundreds (?!!?) of appliers for your bevy of mesh heads. If you’re someone who prefers to stick to one head or one skin, you might be surprised at those numbers. But for me, it’s just a normal part of my Second Life. I am an equal opportunity consumer and I flex that muscle… Read more →

My fall palette

My fall palette includes a sweet red lip and smoky eye on one day, and a taupe lip and precise winged eyeliner the next. Glam Affair is one of my favorite skin makers (shocker??!!) – and Aida has really embraced the Catwa line of mesh heads to expand her appliers. I mean, you can find new offerings at virtually every… Read more →

A Standout Coat

Are you a military style coat lover? Or is a traditional, cashmere walker your top pick? Would you go modern with a puffer and faux fur? Or stay classic with smooth leather? I love coats and this season there are so many standout options to covet. In Second Life, I am waiting for someone amazing to make the flare sleeved… Read more →

Time is short…

…but my shopping list is long! I haven’t had much time to spend in Second Life but I do have an enviable list of beautiful items to post. Starting with the new LeLutka applier from Glam Affair. I fell in love with Debby’s bold brows and fresh face. There are also gorgeous lip colors available, though I like the natural… Read more →

Light Layers

I feel like “light layers” describes so many of my fashion choices. As the seasons change, so many great opportunities to mix a mid-weight shawl with a late summer skirt or a jean jacket with dressier pleats. I love the inherent casual comfort that comes from loose layers that look like afterthoughts, but really aren’t. A lot of what I… Read more →

Early Autumn

A scarf in early autumn is a total DO. Tbh a scarf almost anytime is pretty much always a DO for me 😉 I love early autumn for all the layering choices it brings to fashion lovers everywhere. To go from day to evening, I just wrap up in a light scarf or throw a blazer over my shoulders and… Read more →

Of Body Applier Updates

L’etre has a new Fiore applier out called, “Medusa.” Perhaps an odd name choice for a gorgeous new applier. But when I saw the previews, I immediately had to try her (shown in Golden tone). I have been wearing several L’etre appliers lately and have been really enjoying the wonderfully diverse selection. I do mean wonderful and I do mean… Read more →