I went a bit overboard on the white this time but I was led here by the need to not cover up these boots from Bauhaus, reminiscent of ballet slippers – but with a kick.
Lou Lou used to be my crack pose dealer of choice but then she went on to focus more on clothing and accessories, and oh wow, I miss her original pose drugs. But, onward and upward. These boots are for Maitreya only so there’s some limited flexibility from a mesh body perspective.

My skin is Ginny from The Skinnery. “Ginny” is a name that will forever make me happy and sad at the same time. Those of you old school SL’ers know why. The skin is absolutely gorgeous – so pretty I bought it in two tones, honey (shown) and toffee. I would have fatpacked it, but sadly, not available -_- . Once again, this is for the new line of LeLutka mesh heads but I am wearing it as a layer on Korina. My eyebrows – as always – are layers from [SB] that were included in the last LeLutka PowderPack. When is the next one, anyway?????