When it comes to LeLutka heads, all these years later, Simone is still the head that best represents me in avatar form. I have tried to love other heads from LeLutka (I do own them all) but it’s true, I rarely wear any of them, despite their quality. Then I met Korina. I only tried on one skin, this one from Clef de Peau, and it was one and done.
It remains to be seen if this “sticks” and I continue to wear the head regularly. But I have to tell you – the nose is so very similar to my RL nose. And, let’s be honest, this is not a supermodel delicate nose. But I love that this head isn’t so perfect that I feel like I’m trying to be some fancypants airbrushed doll, which I sometimes feel like when I wear Genus heads, for example.
If you like the Clef de Peau skin (clearly for me, it prompted the head purchase), you can find it inside the LeLutka booth at Skin Fair (South) as a guest creator. It comes with some good options (freckles, eyeliner, gloss, etc) and is available for a reasonably attractive price.
Other items I am wearing that I love include the hair accessory from LaGyo (of course – her inventory is like crack), dress from Valentina E and I had to fatpack these heels from Breathe. <3
I am leaving tomorrow for a personal trip. I’ll be back at the end of next week!