I’m on a streak – a blue streak to be more specific. Looking at my last several styles, it’s clear something icy has touched my stylebuds. I wish it were so easy to add streaks of ice blue to my RL (dark) hair, but SL will have to do for now.
I’m wearing a BoM sale skin from Belleza that caught my attention for especially bold eye makeup. I realized after I bought it that I have the full-price edition but it doesn’t have the eyeshadow so it worked out. Oh and I added chapped-ish lips and blush to bring some contrast to an otherwise smooth complexion. Am quite happy about the result.
Stuff I’m NOT happy about includes the Patriots’ embarrassing loss, Celtics losing several, and the frigid temps. I’m pretty out of sorts overall tbh, so my pants are decidedly cranky. I’ll see what I can do about those in the future.
ps – I am a Boston Bruins fanatic and as of this post, they are having a great start to the season. Hope their streak continues!
On a Streak
- Head: LeLutka
- BoM Skin: Belleza– Kira
- Brows: Nuve Hailey Eyebrows brown
- Lips: Top1Salon HD Chapped Lipstick
- Blush: Lara Hurley
- Hair: DOUX – Irene Hairstyle **@Kustom9**
- Necklace: (Yummy) Holiday Party Set – Necklace **@Fameshed**
- Sweater: Tres Blah – Tie Back Sweater – Fatpack **@Collabor88**
- Coat: BTTB sten coat – beige
- Trousers: Pixicat– Alex Pants
- Boots: BUENO-Ali Boots-Legacy-Choco
- Bag: ryvolter :. Xylia Knot Bag Cerul
- Rings: (Yummy)
- Backdrop: Minimal Memories Frame