I wish I was a minimalist IRL, but the truth is, there’s “stuff” everywhere. Treasured stuff. Photos, books, paintings, chandeliers in every room, a new penchant for brass and wallpaper, shoes, shoes, shoes, bags… My maximalist side has clearly won out in terms of my home anyway. Interestingly, my fashion tends to be far, far simpler. My closet of neutrals and monochrome is an antidote to all the other over the top parts of me.

This look in Second Life is like a palette cleanse for all the “stuff” – just don’t ask me where my avatar’s hands are. Oversized is in, anyway.

- Head: LeLutka Inez
- BoM Skin: [the Skinnery] Orla
- Eyes: AG
- Hair: WINGS-EF0401
- Earrings: YORKE- Jolene Earrings **@Tres Chic**
- Top/Jacket/Bag: DAMI-BLACKLABEL-LOOK001-A1
- Trousers: COCO WideLegPantsWithBelt (White) **@Uber**
- Heels: $NT Rodeo Mules