80s memories. Are you ready? Our moms dressed us in puffy jeans tapered at the ankles. Cyndi Lauper, Princess Diana, and Madonna were style icons. There were a LOT of bangle bracelets and for some reason, fluorescent socks. These new jeans in Second Life really bring me back to a time in my youth that I don’t really remember, but I am sure was really epic.

In other news, I am still struggling to use the official LL viewer in any real capacity. It turns out – after asking for help (thank you!) – that most of you use Firestorm too! For now since I can’t use FS anymore, I have a temporary “fix.” I am learning to take screenshots with the official viewer (meh) but shop/TP around with Genesis, which rezzes things much faster. The Genesis UI makes no sense either so I can’t comfortably use it for snapshots. Obviously I really miss the bells and whistles in Firestorm. It had everything I wanted. %$#^&*!!!!!
I will be experimenting with different viewer settings so I can markedly improve my snapshots. In the meantime, bear with me!
it was the 80s
- Head: LeLutka Inez
- BoM Skin: amara beauty – Bianca Chantilly **@Access**
- Eyes: AG **@Access**
- Hair/Bow: WINGS-ES0901
- Earrings: (Yummy) Amara Earring Collection
- Necklace: OATMILK // Elijah Layered Necklace
- Blouse: ISON – paulina cropped shirt
- Trench: ARCHIVEFACTION_RAVEN Trench Coat_White **@Equal10**
- Jeans: erratic / kourtney – jeans / darkblue **@Access**
- Heels: [Gos] Charlene Satin Pumps – Doe [legacy]