When it comes to invitations to join Flickr groups with names like, “hottest virtual girls” or “beautiful AVs” I don’t get a lot. You won’t see me posting a gratuitous, “thank you!!!!” for a group cover photo, because those don’t happen either. My avatar is petite in every way, and like her RL typist, prefers midi skirts (with boots IRL) and jeans with blazers, over mini skirts and boob shirts. You might say we fly below the radar in more ways than one.

But on a good day, the absolute joy I get styling my virtual doll is unmatched. Today I went cutesy, almost sickly sweet, with a combination of pink and blue. There may be no award for best dressed but I had a great stress relief session and even finally found a hair from Nova where the wide middle part and almost “shaved” effect didn’t totally throw me. IYKYK.
Late this weekend I am off to Paris for work. Sounds fancy, right? In reality, it’s not but it is the first trip in a 6-week stretch of insane travel commitments. I don’t think I will be home for a full week until July! At any rate, I’ll try to be back before I jet.
i dont get invitations
- Head: LeLutka Inez
- BoM Skin: Not Found – Amelia Skin – Sorbet
- Freckles/Moles: Mister Razzor [MR] Lily Pack **@Anthem**
- Lipgloss: tres beau Temptation **@Anthem**
- Eyes: AG
- Hair: NOVA. Think **@Level**
- Headband: Sparkle HeadBand Blair Pale Pink Satin
- Necklace: (Yummy) Zodiac Charm Necklace – Libra
- Nails: (NO) Art Nails – Almond – Sweetheart Colors
- Top: Zaara : [perky] Anisha ruffle blouse sorbet
- Blazer (held): MVT – Stylish blazer – Pink
- Trousers: COCO_Wide-LegPants(LightBlue)
- Heels: $NT Such a Square LEGACY