As I was adding layer on top of layer of makeup to this new BoM skin from The Skinnery, I realized I had been influenced. Yes, by recently bingeing on Euphoria during 4 long plane rides, I was now painting my avatar’s face like I was a stressed out (and potentially drugged up) kid in high school in 2021…terrifying.
I don’t know what took me so long to watch Euphoria, but although it’s painfully raw, it’s absolutely brilliant. It made me scared for (and of) kids my niece’s age. It’s like her generation’s “Kids” (if you have seen that movie).

While the bottom part of my style is much more Church-like than gritty teen, my avatar’s face tells a different story. And Euphoria clearly inspired the top part of this look. Oh, and maybe the forthcoming one too, if it turns into what I think it might.
- Head: LeLutka
- BoM Skin: [the Skinnery] Rosa (LeLutkaEVOX) honey **@Uber**
- Skinnery add-ons: waterline, purple undereyes, blush, cat liner, brow tint, eyeliner
- Cheekbones: Velour
- Eyeshadow: Top1Salon HS Slack 2
- Hair: Truth Muse **new**
- Earrings: (Yummy) Curated Sweetheart Earrings (Human)
- Blazer/Shirt: Pixicat- June Blazer – FlowerSmallLight
- Trousers: Pixicat- Alex Pants
- Heels: GOS
- Clutch: MVT – Expensive clutch – White