Clearly I’m now in true holiday party mode. But in my typical style, it’s in a color decidedly un-holiday-ish. This dress was only available in a fatpack – at a price that was completely irresistible – and I loved the creme color so very much. I didn’t expect to like it when I demo’d it, but instead, it’s one of my favorite new items in all of my “new” folders.
BoM nose fix

Incidentally, I’m wearing another old system skin that I have saved because I liked it so much way back when. To make the nose fit better, Izzie’s has a great BoM layer that smooths the harsh lines around the nose. I found the pack when I went over to pick up the free BoM kits that Izzie’s has out now for the holidays. There is a layer for tons of skin tones (obviously not a perfect match for my skin tone) for LeLutka, Genus, and Catwa heads included in the pack.