I’m back. Big time. Well, maybe not quite yet in SL but IRL. By the time this is posted, I will be on my way to pick up my new doggie. She arrived today from Puerto Rico and I will pick her up tomorrow in New York! In the meantime, in SL I am still so happy with the skin I’m in that I haven’t changed at all. Big time love.

I also really enjoy this new hair from DOUX but I had to buy the “deluxe HUD” to get just the basic top bun style. I find this “basic/deluxe” approach backwards (like, I don’t want every color of hair in the sluniverse), but clearly it worked on this avatar. For now anyway.
I don’t know when I will be back given the new doggie addition and the fact that I am still unpacking from months away but if she settles in well, maybe I’ll be back sooner rather than later. I have some styling and blogging to catch up on. Big time.
- Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Zora.2.5
- BoM Skin: RAHRA – Bamby – ALABASTER
- Hair: DOUX – Chill Hairstyle *@Level*
- Eyes: LOTUS Clover eyes *@Level*
- Top: fleur. kenna top / lara petite
- Jeans: COCO_WideCuffJeans(DarkBlue) *@Fameshed*
- Kicks: ::HH:: Hucci Bow Sneaker – Moonglow
- Bag: Rosella bag *@Anthem*
- Nails: (NO) Art Nails – Almond – Sweetheart Colors