If you’re anything like me, you have hundreds (?!!?) of appliers for your bevy of mesh heads. If you’re someone who prefers to stick to one head or one skin, you might be surprised at those numbers. But for me, it’s just a normal part of my Second Life. I am an equal opportunity consumer and I flex that muscle early and often.
Some of my recent favorites
At any given time, in my “to blog/wear” folder, I have anywhere from 5 to 20 appliers from a whole host of brands and for just as many heads. I have favorites, yes, but I love to wear many different brands of heads and skins. Here are some of my recent favorite appliers on my Catwa Destiny head.
Trying some new ones
Most (not all…) appliers are inexpensive enough to experiment with, so you can try a few that you otherwise might not, without betting the farm. I do this a lot
Get out and try some different brands, tones, or makeups!
- Head: Catwa Destiny
- Eyes: Buzz Chromatic Eyes (sombre *@Epiphany*
- Hairs: BarberYumYum HF, Burley Kendall, Chemistry Min
- Appliers 1: Pumec Lyla, Deetalez Gaby, Deetalez Gillian
- Appliers 2: Glam Affair Mina, Moirah, Pia
- Coat: Addams Virginia Mesh Wool Coat *new*
- Dress: Addams Carolina Mesh Wool Dress *new*
- Tights: Izzies Cozy
- Boots: Vincue Rainy Boots
- Tote: OVH Leda Tote Pearl