And just like that, I got behind in just about everything because I have been watching the very terrible, but completely irresistible next chapter of Sex and the City, “And Just Like That.” It’s not good. It’s not even remotely good. But I missed these ladies! So much that I have gone back and am re-watching the whole series plus both movies again!

Anyway, I’ve been wearing this in SL all week – but just never got around to blogging it thanks to the aforementioned show. But I didn’t want to let it just pass me by. I love this this simple gift skin from DeeTaleZ (part of the LeLutka 12 Days of Christmas). I’m not sure if the snowflakes are always visible even without the eye makeup included, but either way, it’s in Nordic – my favorite tone – and really suits my wintery look. The puffer is new from Pixicat. As you know floral isn’t usually my thing, but just like that, I’m very into it.
Must run! I’m on Season 4 and Aidan and Carrie are just getting back together.

Head: lel EvoX INEZ 3.1
BoM Skin: DeeTaleZ Skin Selma **gift**
Brows: LeLutka INEZ
Mole: DeeTaleZ
Hair: DOUX – Morning Hairstyle **@Equal10**
Earrings: (Yummy) Eclat Earrings
Puffer: Pixicat– Eira Jacket – FlowerBlue **@Equal10**
Trousers: C’est la vie !:: Tory Pants (Navy)