This is Ella, a very beautiful skin for LeLutka mesh heads by Adam n Eve’s sachi Vixen. I can remember blogging sachi’s creations wayyyyyyyy back when. It’s great to see her still so active and successful in Second Life.
I am showing the skin in “EB” tone, and with LeLutka Simone’s eyebrows, rather than the provided eyebrow textures. I love the beautiful rich tones and almost “coppery” finish to this skin and especially – oh yes, quite especially – Ella’s lips. Gorgeous. I wouldn’t dream of putting lipstick on them 😀
You can find Ella at Skin Fair of course.
- Head: LeLutka Simone
- Eyes: [theSkinnery] Dreamsicle Eyes 1
- Skin: AE Ella EB LeLutka Applier *@Skin Fair*
- Hair: pr!tty – April – {Short}{Less Roots} – *@The Chapter Four*
- Necklace: (Yummy) Secondhand Necklace *@N21*
- Earrings: P.C; Merriweather DIamond Stud
- Nails: e.marie // OVAL
- Ring: MINIMAL – Sophia Ring *8* -Gold-
- Dress: OVH.Edie Dress . gray .