With a Twist

A dreamy winter day in soft, pink sweaters, minimal makeup and casual hair. I love the new Susan skin applier from Glam Affair at the Epiphany. I don’t have enough points for the  Polar tone exclusives yet but I am working on it. Gacha with a twist…of control?

DeuxLooks - with a twist

Gacha with a twist of control

While it’s true that gacha is my absolute least favorite way to consume SL fashion and beauty, The Epiphany comes with a twist. Just the fact that you can keep your hits and turn in your misses is very useful. Although at the same time, if there is an exclusive you really want, you’re still spending allllllll those Lindens for something you could otherwise have just bought for a much lower cost. Try not to think about that though 😉

DeuxLooks - with a twist


  • Head: .LeLutka.Head.Simone 2.2
  • Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes – Slate
  • Skin Applier: Glam Affair Susan (various) *@The Epiphany*
  • Hairbase: Tableau Vivant HB2 Fatpack *@Collabor88*
  • Hair: Tableau Vivant Messy Updo Wig *Kustom9*
  • Earrings: MINIMAL – Tifanny Earring *RoseGold* *@Shiny Shabby*
  • Sweater Dress: =Zenith=winter sweater dress (Rose) -Maitreya *@The Epiphany*
  • Tights: Izzie’s Cozy
  • Flats: fri. – Megan.Flats (Blush) *@Kustom9*






