total s*show

I got a message that there was an update available for my Legacy Perky body. “Yay!” I thought.

Maybe they did something to improve the Style tab…”

Then I put it on – and spent 5 minutes trying to get the Style tab to load again (detached, reattached, TP’d, double checked the obscure media settings…).

Finally after relogging, I was able to somehow estimate where the “apply BOM” button is (since I have had to set up dozens of new bodies after the dreaded Stack Heap errors rendered them useless) and I was off, or so I thought.

No sooner had I stopped over at Kustom9 to check out some newness (incidentally, only walked away with 2 demos – not a good round for me at all), but the dreaded Stack Heap whateverthehellitis was back – after not seeing it for several months. Not sure what causes that.

I quickly unboxed a fresh Legacy Perky and if this is even possible, the HUD performed even worse than before. It used to be that once I finally got the Style tab to load, it was always very responsive. Not anymore. Now, I have to literally keep my mouse pressed down on the option I am trying to get to for minutes at a time. But at least I can see the Style tab now, even if it doesn’t do anything? -_-

This is not hyperbole.

Here is a video of me trying to get the tab to respond to ANYTHING. This is 3 minutes of my SLife, sped up 200%.

At this point, I am ready to go another route with a different body. If I only had to go through this kerfuffle once in a while it would be one thing. But something is obviously broken for me – and even a body I love does not outweigh this total sh*tshow.

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