This skirt deserved its own post. So here it is.

It’s so very good. The textures and details are perfection. Toast Bard of (fd) remains one of the most significant contributors to my SL wardrobe. And, looking back over the years, that’s been true for an incredibly long time.
this skirt
- Head: LeLutka Inez
- BoM Skin: [Glam Affair] Revel [Lelutka EvoX] Valley B **@Access**
- Eyes: AG
- Cheekbones: Velour
- Hair: DOUX – Rachel
- Blouse: Baiastice_Peewit Blouse-Snow
- Skirt: (fd) Date Night Skirt – LEGACY **@Fameshed**
- Tights: :C’est la vie !:: Emmi Tights (#1) – Black
- Boots: erratic / tasha – boots
- Bag: [DDL] Habit (Black)