tbh, this is not what was supposed to happen. I was still supposed to be gaining freckles at the beach IRL, not back in Boston yet. But here we are, and here I am, waiting for the plumber and air conditioning guys to come save me from leaks in the ceiling and no AC. So in the meantime – here I am on my avatar, showing you another very summery look, apropos the steamy weather. Summer is here! tbh, it’s just the wrong day.

I’m wearing new hair that I love from Monso (they combined browns/blondes into one pack – yay!) and a dress that’s from an earlier round of C88 I think. Bright florals aren’t something I normally wear, but I actually really love this whole pretty look. It almost looks comfortable tbh.
Lastly, I would avoid the Zenith Gacha at K9 unless you want 12 pairs of “platform sandals” but tbh YMMV!