Summer starts here and now

I decided on another summer Sunday sport look – because for me, summer starts here and now. A few things of particular interest to call out in my look. Let me tackle the “controversial” one first: the hair/cap combo (color change/hide options). But you can’t buy this without quite a hitch. Read on…

DeuxLooks - summer starts here and now

The evolution of the “VIP Group”

If you follow Essential Inventory, you can catch a lot of new releases without having to visit every random event in the universe. My Flickr feed + this FB site really helps a blogger with seriously limited time. Anyway, I see this hair, really like it and TP over to demo it. Once you find the actual hair (it’s in a weird spot, in some club thing…related to its weird pricing model) you’ll see that OMGTHEFATPACKISONLY50LINDENS!!!

But wait, it’s not. You have to join the special group Club Taketomi West for $399L. The description says: “Membership Program for quality men’s & women’s fatpack hair releases for L$50.” My better judgment said to move along and skip this particular hair and group scheme. But for the sake of this review, I decided to bite the bullet and pay the group join fee.

There are other fatpack hairs also available for 50L (and then some others for 450L…). There is no indication of how often they release. I strongly suspect I will regret joining but I’ll report back. I’ll give it 30 days from today and tell you what happens. If there are regular releases it could make sense – or you could just keep your less expensive Truth VIP and be guaranteed a quality hair with all the full color HUDs every single month. Full disclosure, I usually like/blog normal Taketomi hairs, so this was not a completely blind purchase. But note, the color HUDs are totally different.

DeuxLooks - summer starts here and now

Switching gears, I absolutely LOVE these wide-legged trousers from COCO. They are so incredibly well done. I go nuts for staples like this because you know, mixing and matching is my thing and there just aren’t that many creators making quality separates IMO. My skin, earrings and top are all new too. You know what to do to find the details on those <3


  • Poses: ALL Bauhaus Movement *new ones at TLC*
  • Head: LeLutka Simone
  • Skin: Glam Affair Hazel *@Uber*
  • Nails: (NO) French Tip Mesh Nails – Maitreya *@N21*
  • Earrings: Dahlia – Mayza – Earrings *@Fameshed*
  • Hair/Hat: #taketomiWEST – BebeR (L;MultiStyler) [MATERIALS] *new*
  • Halter Top: EVANI – SISILE TOP [Navy] Maitreya L.
  • Trousers: *COCO*_WideLegTrousers(White)_MT *@Fameshed*
  • Kicks: {Livalle} Chyna -Lace up Platform Boot- (Maitreya)
  • Bag: ::C’est la vie !:: Serry Bag / R-hand(pose)