A lot happened in my personal life in 2023. I’ve alluded to some of it here and there, but in the end, it’s all goodness. I learned a lot from the losses. And now, I’m delighted to report I’m starting a new job IRL in January and will be jumping right back into srs bizness mode.
Sadly, I won’t get to wear anything like this IRL but this new suit from [V.C. Lab] @Equal10 reminded of my old favorite from long, long ago, courtesy of Casa del Shai, one of the most talented creators from the early days in SL. Back then, original artists and their drawn textures were key to an item looking good on the lumpy system avatar, which was all that was available at the time.
The first Deuxlooks.com is long since gone now but if there were still a way to see it, you would see me regularly blogging Shai’s handrawn beauties. According to my Flickr, it looks like last item I blogged from Shai were these jeans around the time I returned to SL after a long break.
srs bizness
- Head: LeLutka Inez
- BoM Skin: Belleza- Kira FLF Dec Lel EvoX Pale
- Brows: [theSkinnery] Bondi Brows
- Lips: TOP1SALON HD Plump **new**
- Hairbase/Bun: S.E GIRL HAIR L BLONDE 18 **new**
- Earrings: [POM] Blaith Diamonds
- Suit: [V.C.LAB] Airplane – 15 **@Equal10**
- Tights: friday – Dotty Tights (Midnight)
- Boots: erratic / tasha – boots Legacy Fatpack
- Clutch: MVT – Winter clutch – Navy Faux