Something old & some things new

DeuxLooks - something old, some things new

Have you noticed? I am on a serious Skinnery kick. My last 4 styles have all featured skins from The Skinnery. This makes 5. But here’s the catch, this one’s very (very) old. I still haven’t found a skin that replaces “Blair” in my heart and in my inventory. Is it still available? I hope so, for your sake! The rest of my look (aside from my purse) is brand new. So, something (very) old and multiple “some things” new.

DeuxLooks - something old, some things new

I need to also mention that this new outfit is one of my absolute favorites of all time from ISON. Doing a search of my blog, ISON is clearly one of the most treasured brands throughout the years, but I haven’t really loved so much of what’s been released in quite some time. This however, is right up my alley. Classy, sexy, timeless (IMO).
