This profile is 100% why I fell in love with LeLutka’s Zora. She’s so unique, especially with a good look at her strong profile. She reminds me of Giselle in a way? Whatever, I’m so glad she was updated to EvoX.
Elsewhere, I have a bunch of looks that I snapped but haven’t blogged (yet) – one very old because I’m experiencing a complete drought of interesting SL fashion – almost nothing new appeals to me – and one that brings back my evergreen question, “why do you charge for demos?” Seriously and sincerely, why?
- Head: lel EvoX ZORA 3.1
- BoM Skin: E.BEAUTY – MAITE SKIN **@Tres Chic**
- Eyes: Avi-Glam **@The Epiphany**
- Hair: Magika – Hair – Unravel
- Necklace: (Yummy) Sharon Layered Necklace **@Kustom9**