The Skinnery recently launched Luna, a new generation of body skins – including additional tones and all new details. I’m wearing the new shade Almond here, paired with new BoM head skin Maysa, available @Uber. Maysa was absolutely irresistible for me, as so many skins from The Skinnery are.
For Luna, I wasn’t ready to commit to the fatpack yet so I chose the Slim (Legacy) option for one tone, which has much more pronounced collarbones and ribs. The overall effect is very waif-ish. The skin has a beautiful healthy glow and the details are superb.
Each single tone pack comes with LOTS of options but it does not – oddly IMO – come with the breast add on for the body I’m wearing. Legacy Perky breast add-ons (and others) are only available for separate purchase at $350L each. All-tone fatpacks are $3775L per body and type (slim, curvy or fit) and single tones are $375L.

As you can see in the capture above, each tone includes lots of ways to customize your skin. I especially appreciate the “nipple cover” option so I can wear dresses like this one from Stories & Co. Love Fall jewel tones so much!
I’m gone for the next week. See you soon!