The way way back

DeuxLooks - the way way back
The way way back

Since I started getting into the BoM way of things, I started going through my remaining system skins from when I first came back to SL. Mostly, I held onto inventory from The Skinnery and now extinct brands like Tuli and Birdy.

I’m so glad I didn’t declutter them all! Here, I am wearing a skin from the way way back of my collection – Blair, system skin from The Skinnery. It was my absolute favorite skin in my entire inventory – and NOTHING ever took its place in my collection as we moved to mesh heads. I mean nothing. I must have blogged it dozens of times.

DeuxLooks - the way way back
The Skinnery system skin

I am sure opinions will vary on how this old skin looks on my LeLutka mesh head – but I am absolutely delighted. It has that kind of off-center beauty that I favor. Less airbrushed and more stylized. I know this would likely not make a popular applier these days, but I just adore it. I am looking forward to trying other old skins today.
